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Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London

Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London
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● Odevy sa merajú položené na stole.
● Šírku hrudníka meriame pod rukávmi, dĺžku od ramena.
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pondělí-pátek 11 - 17

Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London

Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London je príručka pre hru na hrdinov Trail of Cthulhu, ktorá bola ocenená cenou Golden Geek pre rok 2011.
Príručka je v angličtine.
These cycles of experience, of course, all stem from that worm-riddled book. Aj remember when I found it - in a dimly lighted place near the black, oily river where the Mists always swirl.
- The Book
Forbidden Tomes
Bookhounds of London is a brand new campaign setting for Trail of Cthulhu, packed with period detail, where the Investigators seek out books about horror and strangeness and become, seemingly Inevitable, Drawn into the horror themselves. It provides in-depth material on London in the 1930s, carefully slanted towards Mythos Investigators.
An Ancient City
Bookhounds 'London is a city of cinemas, electric lights, global power and the height of fashion. It 'about the Horrors - the cancers - that lurk in the capital, in the very beating heart of human civilization. A Templar altar might well crouch, mostly forgotten, in the dreary Hackney Marshes, but altars to false gods tower over the metaphorical Swamps of Fleet Street and Whitehall. And as for lost, prehuman ruins ... who 's to say what lies under London, if you dig deep enough?
terrible Choices
The PCs are not Stalwart G-men or TWEEDY Scholars exploring forbidden frontiers. Instead, they Acquire maps (and maybe guidebooks) to those forbidden frontiers from Fusty libraries and prestigious auction houses. They are Book-Hounds, looking for profit in mould Vellum and leather Bindings, balancing their own books by finding first Editions for Satanists and would-be sorcerers. They may not quite know what they traffic in, or they may know rather better than their clientele, but needs must when the bills come in.
Obsah balenia :
  • 32 authentic full-colour maps with unique new street index of London in the 1930s, and plans of major buildings.
  • A Mythos take on London in the 1930s, packed with contacts, locations and Rumours.
  • New abilities such as Document Analysis, Auction and Forgery, as well as new occupations and drives.
  • Full statistics for a hosť of new and horrible Mythos creatures to pit against the Bookhounds.
  • Whitechapel Black-Letter, a brand new adventure which takes Bookhounds through the Bleak East End of London on the trail of a powerful 15th century Grimoire.
With Bookhounds, Kenneth Hite creates a rich sandbox full of dusty tomes, crooked dealers and dark alleys, a perfect setting for any Mythos investigation.
A Detailed Guide to London in the 1930s
Bookhounds of London also features a complete, indexed street máp of London, recreated and Adapted from original sources, packed with over 200 locations essential to Investigators. Whatever system you play, this is an essential resource for Mythos roleplayers.

Podrobnosti o vydaní

226 x 282 mm
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Pelgrane Press
Kód produktu

Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London - hodnotenie

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